Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day One Interview of Illinois Supreme Court Justice Mary Jane Theiss

Today I had the honor and privilege to sit in the Courtroom of the Supreme Court of Illinois located at 160 N. La Salle,Chicago,IL and hear the views of Justice Mary Jane Theiss. The main courtroom is located in Springfield,Illinois. A working courtroom is also located in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. The Cook County (Illinois) Criminal Justice System is the nation's largest unified court system. Each year it processes and admits more than 100,000 people to the Cook County Department of Corrections (CCDOC). One may question the relevance of a Supreme Court Justice to the issue of the Hungry & Homeless. Rank charges us to see these people in OUR daily lives. How does a Supreme Court Justice from a very isolated community view the Hungry & Homeless. When asked for a definition of justice, Theiss sought to answer in the ethical sense and stated that people who work with her call her by her name - Justice! This was a statement grounded in humility rather than arrogance. Theiss offered that the law must be decided in a state of justice- that state being that righteousness and mercy are commingled. A knowledge of the persons that these decisions are to affect are not of strictly the elite in their business contracts. A working knowledge of all persons is needed. That knowledge does not come from residing in Barrington, IL, going to work, and driving back to the same location and socializing with the same people or people like them. They must know people in a multicultural setting and through our personal life cycle. She has been a Public Defender, Circuit Court Judge, Appellate Court Judge, and now sits on the Supreme Court. The strongest message that has been communicated to her is that people want and deserve a chance to be heard. It reminds me that I must listen to people and hear what they are saying, not only people that I agree with but especially those that I don't! Those that make my blood boil by their very message. She instructed us that we must investigate what people are running for judicial office and not strictly choose along party lines or the ethnicity of their last names. She is running for office this year. She deserves our vote simply because she wears her name very well-  Justice.

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