Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day Two Out to Dinner

In my GES - 346 class, Global Chicago, Dr. Grammenos, along with his wife and daughter,  had us meet at an Eastern Indian restaurant named the Indian Village located at 2546 W. Devon Av. We were instructed to observe the ethnic majorities on our way to the eatery. I was not only observing activity outside the restaurant but sine reading Nickeled and Dimed: On (Not) Making It In America I was cognizant of activity inside the restaurant. The food was exotic tasting, since I had never tasted that cuisine before. The conversations were interesting and enjoyable. I was struck initially by the ease of obtaining food in an urban center if one possesses the money to pay for it. Second, the servers all used small wheeled carts to transport the dinners to the tables and bus the dirty dishes to the table. I ensured that I added extra money to the tip to bring the total tip to 25% of the bill. I wondered about the pay scale for employees on the drive home. I did not interview the manager but I will at our next dinner location, Ethiopian Cuisine in Uptown!

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